Sense is the Brands by Rappi module that aims to bring you closer to your consumers, their habits, preferences and consumption trends within the Rappi ecosystem during a certain period of time.
Our Sense module allows you to evaluate the data comparison of your users and those categories in which you participate, considering the profile of your shoppers and their demographics.
Here you can also analyze the type of products that your users are buying with your products, which brands they prefer and which restaurants they consume from.
Now, Consumption Moments, what you see here are the specific times and days that your product is being purchased at Rappi. This allows you to identify patterns that can feed your future campaigns and if you click on a specific moment of consumption you can see specifically which SKUs are relevant at that time of day and with which products from other brands those are being purchased.
Our geolocation maps will give you a perspective of your sales by area, its distribution by city and if you load the stores you can analyze which are those key stores for your brand.
Now let’s talk about User segments, depending on your buyers behavior you can find up to 8 types of segments. Each segment is determined by specific consumption patterns considering the recency, frequency and monetary value (RFM for its acronym) we cross it with the sales volume that each of these buyer segments represent for your brand.
The Active Users section allows you to understand how many of them are recurring vs. new buyers and what is their category penetration over a period of time.
Finally we have the “Share of Pocket” and “Share of Pocket Preference” that allow you to understand on your base of brand buyers how many of their orders in the category contain products of your brand?
Now we go to the Audiences, the objective of this section is to give you visibility of the scope of the segmentations that you may be generating within Rappi. You can generate the number of audiences you want and eliminate the existing ones or generate new ones considering: your brands, the location of the buyers and their purchase habits.