Sampling is a tool available through the Brands By Rappi ecosystem that allows us to connect our customers, the brands, with potential buyers, taking them directly to the product testing experience without the need for a purchase.
Sampling enables an option for customers to deliver products directly to users by sending samples to a certain segmented user base (segmented) or by aggregating products on existing user orders (on-top).
Products are sent to Rappi users who generate an order from our ecosystem to a restaurant or partner. In these cases there is no segmentation by type of user. (Example: a chocolate bar accompanying an order from a certain restaurant.)
Products are only sent to a specific user base segmented according to their consumer or demographic characteristics. These are not accompanied by a restaurant order.
Why Sampling through Rappi?
Segmentation. Given our multi-vertical model, we can offer an 360 ° exercise understanding the impact on users. We consider your demographic and consumption patterns to run segmentations that consider the correct users.
Multiple methods. The flexibility of our sample delivery methods provides possibilities for our clients to achieve their specific objectives.
Innovation. This delivery channel offers an opportunity to measure innovation of your brand new products and also understand at another level what drives your consumers and their consumption habits. We are delighted to continue learning and testing!
Reports. Visualize changes in the behavior of impacted users, key indicators such as buybacks and before and after photography of those users impacted by your Sampling campaign. These reports also serve to have visibility of the execution of your campaign.
Now that you know more about this solution, what are you waiting to experience our Sampling with your brand?