Step 4. Targeting Amplify

Welcome to the fourth step of creating your campaign.


Teaser: For this module, from Rappi’s team, we preferably recommend using the Geo (georeferencing) and User (Rappi Audiences) modules.

App site

App Bundle List: Application bundles are consistent across all exchanges. For iOS, these are typically the numeric ID of the app in the app store, for example “1207472156”.
For Android, these are typically strings/chains representing the name of the app, such as

Can be used as a whitelist and blacklist by selecting the include or exclude button 

Click on the bar, select the desired list and hit include or exclude as appropriate.

App ID List: Corresponds to an Application ID is a unique exchange-specific ID, prefixed with the exchange code. For example, in MoPub: mp/12345

As the previous step, it can be used as a whitelist and blacklist by selecting the include or exclude button. 

Click on the bar, select the desired list and hit include or exclude as appropriate.

App Name: The app name is a string/chain description of the app; it is often blank or not provided by the exchange.

Deal ID: Specific deal ID exchange. Offers of ID bids are treated with a higher priority than Open Auction bids and typically have additional bid terms associated with them, including a higher minimum price. More details available on offer IDs

Ad Colony deals must have a om/ followed by the deal code. 


Deal id List:

Domain List:

Placement ID List:

Publisher Id:

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