Understanding metrics inside Sense

Shopper Behaviour

Number of buyersUnique buyers in selected period
SalesSales in selected period
OrdersUnique Orders in selected period
Purchase FrequencyHow many orders on average a user makes in selected periodUnique orders / number of customers
Average TicketThe average order value in selected periodTotal value / Number of order
Metrics regarding Shopper Behaviour

On the top right corner of the section Shopper Behaviour, you can click the button “Compare to Category” to display all of the metrics in this section compared to the category.


Shopper Preferences

Cross BasketAfinity with other categories, Which are the top other categories users are buying when they are buying my products?Orders to other categories / Orders to selected category
Top Brand IncidenceAfinity with other brands that play in the same category as the one being analyzedOrders to other brands in the same category / Orders to selected category
Top Restaurant PreferenceAfinity with restaurants, Which are the top restaurants users are buying when they are buying my products?# of orders to restaurants by users buying from selected category
Metrics regarding Shopper Preferences

High Consumption Moments

Consumption moments by brandThe moment of purchase of the user for the brand (By day of the week and hour of the day)Brand Orders in a range of time by day / Brand total orders
Consumption moments by categoryThe moment of purchase of the user for the category (By day of the week and hour of the day)Category Orders in a range of time by day / Category total
Metrics regarding High Consumption Moments

Hovering over the distribution graph will show the % of overall consumption, and on the right side it will display the total % by range of time and at the bottom the % total by day.


Geolocalization of Active users

Sales zones by brandsHeatmap and stores in which the users bought the brand.
Sales zones by categoryHeatmap and stores in which the users bought the category.
Metrics regarding Geolocalization of Active users

Click in “Load Stores” to see retailer details. Share of users by city will be displayed below the map.


Segment Analysis by RFM

Heavy Users– Users with the greatest spend in the category / Brand
– Purchase recurringly
– Are brand promoters
At risk– Low purchase frequency
– Average Ticket and frequency are below de average of the other segments
New UsersUsers that havent made a purchase in the last 3 months
Potential Heavy Users– Have great purchasing habits
– Are recurringly buying the brand or category with a good amount of purchase per order
LaggersUsers that mantain a tendency of purchase below the cateogories average
Loyals– Recurrent users and buyers of Rappi
– They dont show a high ticket nor a high frequency in their purchases
Average UsersUsers that show a similar behaviour than the average of the category
Heavy Users At Risk– Users with the biggest spend in the brand / category
– Their last purchase is farther than the Heavy user for the period analyzed
Metrics regarding Segment Analysis by RFM

Hover over the bar graphs in the RFM segment to see the % of weight users and sales represent on overall segments.


Active Users

New UsersUsers who had never made a purchase before.
Reactivated UsersUsers who had not made a purchase for at least three months.
Frequent UsersUsers who have made at least two purchases in the last three months.
User PenetrationThe penetration of the users in the category. Of all the users that buy the category what % is buying my brand?Users that buy the brand / total users that buy de category
Metrics regarding Active uses

Hovering over the brand active users will display a tooltip showing the split of users by frequent and new.


Hovering over the Users penetration trendline will show the total % of users penetration as well as the split by frequent and new users.


Share of Pocket

Share of PocketOf the total orders users make to the category being analyzed: How many have the maker category in it?Brand Orders / Total orders to the category the brand plays in
Share of Pocket PreferenceOf the total users spend. What % is being allocated to the different brands that play in the category?Spend in brand / total spend in category
Metrics regarding Active users

Hovering over Share of pocket trendline will show the total % of orders that include the brand in them.


Hovering over the boxes by brand will display the % of share.


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