Sampling reports live within the Create section. There you will find the execution reports and user behavior related to your Sampling campaign. Here we explain how to access them, step by step.
- Once inside the platform, go to the Sampling section, inside the Create module.
- Select the Maker and Trademark with which the Sampling exercise was carried out.
- You will see the campaigns related to your selection listed, with general information such as the city, number of units and campaign start date.
- Click on “view” under the Report column to load the report corresponding to the campaign.
- You will have two tabs available: Execution Report and Behavior Report.
That’s it, all of your sampling campaign information can be found at one place.
When i go to Create Module, the only available section is Deeplinks. How can a I have acces to the others funcionalities?
Hi Juan, thank you very much for your message. We have reviewed your case and you should already be able to see the missing section.