Step 3. Line Item Creation

Welcome to step 3 of creating your campaign. Learn in 5 minutes how to create a Line Item.


Line type: Select from the drop-down list the type of line item to which the creative corresponding to the campaign will be associated.

Banner: Applies to standard banners, formats and rich media formats

Video: Applies to video formats

Creative Weighting Method

It is usually advised to leave it at Random, since creative optimizations are configured later in the “Creative” module.

Select one of the two options from the dropdown list.

Random: Will serve associated creatives randomly and is the default behavior.

Weighted: Allows each creative to be assigned a greater relevance between 1 and 100 and this ratio will be the one that the platform takes into account for campaign exposure.

For example, if creative “A” is given a weight of 2 and creative “B” is given a weight of 1, then “A” will serve twice as often as “B” (2:1). Note that you can’t weight creatives with different sizes or placement types.

If we want the dates of the line item to be different from the dates configured in the campaign, click on start date and end date to enter the dates.

Keep in mind that the configured dates must be within the date range of the initial configuration. 

Delivery and Bidding

Select one of the two options from the drop-down list.

Optimized CPM: This bid strategy will also always bid the CPM entered in the user interface, whenever it receives ad requests that match with the project line’s orientation .

Optimized CPC: This bid strategy will be optimized towards a target eCPC set at the line item level, and stay within the parameters of a maximum CPM bid set at the line item level.

When selecting Optimized CPM, two options are displayed in  the Bid Strategy box:

  1. Fix: The exact price of the offer is configured. Use it in cases of making use of Adcolony deals.
  2. Automated: This option allows to vary the price of the bid according to the offer and the optimizations

Assign the value of the CPM bid or CPM Fix as appropriate in the currency corresponding to the account.

Optimized CPC

Bid Strategy: Select Automated

Expected CTR: Enter the percentage of expected CTR in the campaign 

Target eCPC: Enter the estimated cpc cost for the campaign

Frequency Cap

When you are doing the traffic of a campaign or line item, you have the option to set a frequency cap to restrict the number of times a particular ad will be shown to a particular user.

Finally click on save & continue

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